Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What A Laugh

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim reiterates the judges were sacked not asked to retire early as contended by Nazri. Datuk Zaid said the ex-gratia was given to the five judges in kindness and gratitude for their service.

Former PM Tun Mahathir said the five judges were sacked and why the hell did Nazri said otherwise? What tickled me is that Datuk Zaid said he will not cave under pressure from opposition to disclose the ex-gratia payment! Why ? Because he is now with the Opposition while enjoying the benefits of being a Senator from BN.

Who is right or wrong in this matter, we'll never know but one thing i'm certain is that the Malaysian public are seeing 'clowns'.


abang sardon said...

whoever the clowns are, one thing is for sure-the judges are laughing all the way to the bank with their fat purse!

Anonymous said...

saya sangat sokong PM dan Zaid bagi exgratia. sebab sekarang saya juga ada harapan utk terima duit yg sama. dulu saya tukang kebun tapi dah dibuang oleh jabatan saya sebab saya jarang potong rumput.Bukan salah saya. sebab parang yang selalu tumpul.tak lama lagi jadi jutawan juga lah saya, kan?